
Showing posts from March, 2022

Nose Allergy Specialist in Jaipur | Allergy Treatment | Dr. Nishtha Singh

You may be used to sneezing and congestion that lasts the entire day if you have nasal allergies. You can discover a treatment for your nasal allergy symptoms whether you're allergic to dust mites, tree pollen, or animal dander. An allergen is a chemical that triggers an allergic response despite its otherwise delicate nature. Hay fever, also called allergic rhinitis, is an allergic reaction to specific allergens. In seasonal allergic rhinitis, pollen is the most dominant allergen. These are allergy signs that occur as the season changes. Nose Allergy Specialist in Jaipur | Allergy Treatment | Dr. Nishtha Singh An allergen is a sense that provokes an allergic reaction. When a person with allergic rhinitis inhales an allergen such as pollen, mold, animal dander, or dust, the body produces chemicals that trigger allergy symptoms. Symptoms of Nose Allergic coughing sneezing a stuffy nose a runny nose itchy eyes dark circles  throat Soreness When you come into touch with an allergen, y

Lung Cancer Treatment | Types of Cancer Treatment | Dr. Nishtha Singh

There are a variety of cancer treatments available. The sorts of treatment you receive will be determined by the type of cancer you have and how far it has progressed. Some cancer patients will just require one treatment. Most people, on the other hand, receive a mix of therapies, such as surgery combined with chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy. Immunotherapy, targeted therapy, and hormone therapy are all options. How Lung Cancer Treated | Types of Cancer Treatment  Small cell lung cancer and non-small cell lung cancer are the two most common kinds of lung cancer. These classifications apply to how cancer cells appear under a microscope. Compared to small cell lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer is more prevalent. Types of Lungs Cancer Treatment  Depending on the type of lung cancer and how far it has gone, there are numerous treatment options. Surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted therapy, or a combination of these treatments can be used to treat non-small cell lu

Sleep Apnea Expert in Jaipur Sleep Apnea Treatment Dr. Nishtha Singh

Obstructive sleep apnea is the most common type of sleep apnea. This occurs when there is a physical obstruction in the upper airway. Another form, central sleep apnea, is caused by a neural system signaling disorder. The person will stop breathing if the airway closes if the signal is not received. This will happen once in a while during sleep, but it will recur again and again. They may snort, take a big breath, or entirely awaken with a sense of gasping, smothering, or choking when they breathe again. Sleep Apnea Expert in Jaipur | Sleep Apnea Treatment | Dr. Nishtha Singh Because your airway is closed, obstructive sleep apnea develops. If you're overweight, take certain medications or drink alcohol before night, or sleep on your back, you're more prone to develop Obstructive Sleep Apnea.  Obstructive Sleep Apnea Symptoms Frequent, loud snoring Daytime sleepiness Restless sleep Feeling hot and sweaty at night Waking up from sleep with a loud snort Other medical diseases wit

How COVID-19 Effect Our Lungs | Dr. Nishtha Singh

The complications caused by Covid-19 are pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome. Apart from this Sepsis is another possible complication of Covid-19, this can be very dangerous for the lungs and other organs. Variants of Covid-19 targeted airways disease and caused the situation for the people to get hospitalized. The only doubt people have was  how COVID-19 affects our lungs.  How COVID-19 Effect Our Lungs | Dr. Nishtha Singh Before understanding the inflexibility of Covid 19 infection, it's important to understand the different stages/ orders of Covid 19 infection. ● First-order These individualities are infected by the contagion, but act as carriers but may not parade the symptoms. These individualities are at an advanced threat of spreading the contagion as they might be unconscious of its presence. ● Alternate order Individualities with mild fever, cough, headache, or possible conjunctivitis. This is due to an infection in the upper respiratory tract. ● Second